


Wed. + Thu. 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m Sat. + Sun. 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m Buffet until 11:30

Reservations are required for the breakfast buffet every day!!!

Breakfast Wed+Thurs  

Mixed rolls, bread, scrambled eggs, fried eggs, Mixed sausage platters, cheese, tomato, cucumber, pepper, jam, honey, Quark, red jelly, Juice, Filter coffee and tea
p. P15,80 €

Breakfast Sat+Sun  

Mixed rolls, bread, Scrambled eggs, fried eggs, bacon, sausages, Mixed sausage platters, cheese, fish, tomato-mozzarella, cucumber, pepper, jam, honey, Quark, fruit salad, Juice, Filter coffee and tea
p. P21,80 €

Buffet Kind  

1 J.
1,20 €
2 J.
2,40 €
3 J.
3,60 €
4 J.
4,80 €
5 J.
6,00 €
6 J.
7,20 €
7 J.
8,40 €
8 J.
9,60 €
9 J.
10,80 €
10 J.
12,00 €
11 J.
13,20 €
12 J.
14,40 €

+ Fisch  

auf Vorbestellung ab 8 Pers. zum Frühstück Mi./Do.
p. P.3,30 €
All prices include the statutory VAT.